TOGO is inhabited by a mosaic of people coming from different origins and comprising over forty different ethnic groups.

The platforms on which all the movements of population came into the country are situated along the eastern, western and northern boundaries. For centuries, the country has been on the road of spontaneous migrations, this explains largely the variety of its ethnic groups.

Ali BAKAYOKO, wrote in January 1998 in "MARCHES NOUVEAUX" the following statement about the people of TOGO: "All those who once have been in TOGO in their life time can assure: Togolese are smiling , non-violent, courteous, hardworking and disciplined people."

Situated in the western part of the African continent, partly between latitude 6° and 11° North and partly between the meridian line O and longitude 1.6° East, the Republic of TOGO extends on a surface that amounts to 56.600 square kilometres. By bird's-eye view its length is 600 km and its width varies between 50 and 150km.

TOGO is limited in the North by the republic of Burkina, in the South by the Pacific Ocean, in the East by the Republic of Benin and in the West by the Republic of Ghana.

The country is cut up in 5 large administrative regions which are the following with their chief towns:
  • Maritime Region : Lomé (Capital City)
  • Plateau Region: Atakpamé
  • Central Region: Sokodé
  • Kara Region: Kara
  • Savane Region: Dapaong
The Population of TOGO is estimated in 2003 at 4.790.000 inhabitants for a growth rate around 2.4% per year.

TOGO has always played a catalystic role in West African sub region commerce of West Africa because of its geographical position and notably its harbour installations. It has a traditional aptitude for commerce.

Commerce represents a key sector of its economy: it is characterized by the coexistence of:
  • Modern companies from colonial origins
  • Private companies, some of which are national and the others belonging to foreigners (Lebanese, Indo Pakistanis, Chinese, Africans etc ...)
  • And finally an informal sector whose growth has been accentuated these last years.
TOGO enjoys an intertropical weather due to its altitude. This weather varies from the southern region to the northern region. As far as its temperatures are concerned, the flat regions offer a range of temperatures going from 19° Celsius to 34° Celsius, where as the variation in the mountainous regions is situated between 18° Celsius and 29° Celsius.

TOGO abounds in multiple natural resources composed of an important deposit of exceptional quality phosphates. Iron, Gold-bearing and galena-bearing Quartz, Chromium, Calcareous rock, Manganese, Kaolin, Marble and Uranium.

The mining indices displayed these last days are petroleum, diamond, gold, plate, zinc and lead.

These last years, the willingness of the Togolese Administration to let the private sector play its role fully is translated by the putting into place of a policy inciting to productive private investment, to the elaboration of a program reducing the State portfolio and creating the free industrial zone. So, numerous opportunities of investment are offered to both national and foreign operators. This means, the field is widely opened and the reasons for investing in TOGO are numerous. Top