
Togo gathers together a series of natural, cultural and human atractions which, if given importance constitute a 'tourist product' very well appreciated by the tourist from issuing big markets of Europe and America.

1. Cultural and Human Strong points
The people of Togo have kept, all across the centuries, an authentic and deep tolerance, a mutual respect towards the other races, cultures and regions, very solid family ties and also between work an leisure.

A very important part of adults among the population speak non only French, but also German and English, this facilitate agreeably communication with visitors. One of the most fascinating attractions to visitors in Togo is also the possibility of watching the spontaneous explosion of joy about life, friendship and hospitality.

Togo is rich with cultural expressions such as songs, dances, arts and crafts, musical, spectacles, religious ceremonies, dress, clothing fashions and others. These cultural expressions present a very marked diversity from one region to another. This causes the visitors to benefit from a varied and interesting stay. Numerous celebrations and ceremonies reflect the living customs and traditions of the peoples, and give chance to colourful manifestations. Top
2. Natural strong points
A country of flat land rather than high mountains, Togo is however, crossed by a big and long chain of mountains and plateaus which alternate each other and whose tallest summit reaches an altitude of 986m. The massif of Lama, in the core of Atakora chain, draws the attention of tourists by its romantic breaks and the beauty of its landscapes. In the North of the country, lies the savanna region where a plateau is erected with picturesque cliffs. The coastal region also presents attractions with its fine sand seashores and the lake of Togo, for practicing nautic sports and a pleasant weather almost all the year. Moreover, tourist places and sites are found in each of the five regions of the country.

These cultural, human and natural strengths which are original or inputrescible, some of which are subject to equipping so that they can be contemplated and allow access for visitors, are completed by series of derivative strengths which are tourist and hotel trades, communication, telecommunication and transport infrastructures. Top

Tourist regions and wealth
Despite its average size, Togo provides travellers with a diversity of physical and human features, a variety of wild life and flora. It is Africa in miniature. These help tourism in Togo to be in tune with the entertainment world and attract many visitors.

1. Maritime Region
Renowned all along the coast of the Gulf of Benin, Lome the capital is known for its fine-sand beaches and shadowy walks along the littoral.

The only capital city on an international border (Ghana), Lome is outstanding for its neatness and hospitality of its population. It offers the following:
  • Adawlato big market; it is known for cloth business where the Nana Benz reign supreme in Africa.
  • Hedranawoé market is known for its second-hand trade.
  • The Akodessewa fetish market is the spot for pagan curiosities and the traditional medicine of the sub-region.
  • The cathedral of Lome, dating back to the German era stands near the Central Market of Lome. Of gothic style, the beautifully painted frescoes inside portray a few saints of the Catholic Church. It is part of the colonial heritage of Togo.
  • The National Museum of Lome; built at the back of the Conference Hall, it gives an idea of the Togolese identity. Behind the well-lit windows are exposed historic and ethnographic objects as well as excellent samples of the traditional art.
  • The international museum of the Gulf of Guinea is located on the boulevard du Mono opposite the Atlantic Ocean. It has a collection of art and ethnographic objects from various African countries.
Other sites and monuments include The Independence Monument, Colombe de la Paix, the Centenary Monument of the friendship between Germany and Togo and the art craft village.

At about 30 km from Lome on the road to Benin, is Togo Lake, ideal for water sports, or tours in canoe and the village of Agbodrafo. It is a fantastic place for relaxation away from the noisy city.

The visitors will also have the opportunity to discover slave sites like la Maison des Esclaves (slave house),Maison Wood Gatovoudo "the well of those in chain" at Nikaya, Lolame black smith, Joachim D'Almeida's Memorial at Ahoeta.

You will also discover on the northern bank of Togo Lake the historical village of Togoville with the Marial Sanctuary, royal museum of Mlapa, the barter market square, Dekpo slave market (Blokotissimé) and traditional practices like the cult of Maman Tchamba and the Voodoo Hlan.

As to the historical city of Aneho, it presents the glamour of the colonial time. It was the capital of Togo from 1887 to 1897 and from 1914 to 1920. Surrounded here and there by the lagoon and the sea, it is an ideal site for walks and relaxation on its beaches.

Accommodation wise Hotel 2 fevrier, Hotel Ibis Lome-centre, Hotel Mercure Sarakawa at Lomé, Hotel Le Lake at Agbodrafo and Hotel Natchigal at Togoville provide a whole range of air-conditioned rooms and entertainment such as tennis, swimming pool and dancing.

Beside the restaurants of the major hotels, restaurants and food joints in the area serve various dishes from local, foreign, European, Eastern and Asian. These include Marox, Alt Munchen, Lotus, Malesan etc. Top

2. Plateaux Region
The Plateau region is accessible in two ways, either through the national N°1 linking Lome to Atakpamé or the national N°2 Lome-Kpalimé to Atakpame city.

The west side is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful tourist sites in Togo. The western Plateaus are in contrast with the maritime region because of their green landscape. Some miles away from the coast would take you away into the heart of nature and luxurious vegetation.

Main region for coffee and cocoa farming and a holiday resort with Kpalimé city serving as a weekend rest area. It has many tourist attractions; Agou Peak (986m of altitude) the highest summit in Togo, coffee and cocoa nurseries at Tové Koloto art center, Viale Castle, kloto camping, Dzogbegan monastery on Dayes Plateaux and the cascades the biggest of which is Aklowa with its waters allegedly endowed with therapeutic virtues. The western Plateau region is an exceptional natural framework that offers many ecotourism opportunities.

The eastern part of the Plateaux on its side affords interesting urban centers such as Atakpamé, a city built on hills with magnificent panoramic views of the surrounding valleys; Tado and Notse, the historic cradles of the Adja-Ewe people.

The hotels like: Le Berceau at Notse, 20th august and Cristal at Kpalimé, Roc hotel and the Sahalien at Atakpamé are open for your stay in the said region.

These hotels and others, highly recommended, like Bel Air and the Gournet at Kpalimé, the Pentagone and the Madone at Atakpamé provide exquisite services.

Several associations and NGOs are at work on the field to promote joint tourism, ecotourism and responsible tourism. Top

3. Central Region
The central region covers an area of 13000 km2 more than 20% of which are reserves and classified forests including that of the Fazao-Malfakassa National Park covering about 476.903 acres and managed by Franz-Weber Foundation.

The central region presents significant cultural assets. The regional capital Sokodé, the greatest Islamic city of the country is renowned for its weaving used in the making of tunics and big booboos. It has inherited a horse-riding tradition transmitted by influential chieftaincies including that of Kparatao who founded the city and its surrounding communities.

In the Far East is the Tchamba city, specialised in pyrography on calabashes and flasks. These art objects are found in the market animated by the local population including the many Peuhl women with their beautiful weaving and tattoos.

The following accommodation facilities will possibly welcome you during your stay are Hotel Aléhéridé and Hotel Central, Hotel Essofa, Hotel Ave Kedia and restaurants such as Chez Marco Top

4. Kara region
The Kara region is probably on of the richest in Togo through its diversity both natural and cultural. The tourist sites are many. They are accessible through Aledjo Mountain Gap, a spectacular human masterpiece. Female potters and blacksmiths, in Kabyeland perpetuate very laudable ancestral art and techniques.

The region is equally known for its terraced cultivation techniques on hilly slopes. The Kara region is also a spot for tradition where traditional fights: Evala are organised every year in July. Mainly agricultural, it produces yams, millet, ground-nuts and others.

Highly animated and colourful markets likethat of Ketao are all over. They provide many meeting opportunities with the local population.

The populations of the region have been able to keep their traditions as in Bassar district with the high funaces of Banjeli and Nangbani; a proof of an ancestral know-how in iron work.

The visitors will be able to go on excursion to Sarakawa Park close to that of Djamde. Top

5. Savanna region
Exceptionally flat, with curiously scattered green mountains, rich in "danams" of rocs this region is tehe region by excellence of wine palm trees. The visitors will discover the Sacred Pit of Doung, the cave paintings of Nanoundjoga, the Nok grotto (Nano), a historic and cultural vestige.

The Sacred Pit of "Tanlona" on Karyata Bank at the Togo-Ghana border, and the Mandouri Hunting Reserve can also be visited. The Oti Which crosses the region waters a vast plane.

Accommodation facilities include Dapaong Hotel, Caroli Hotel, Dapaong Camping and Leota Yendoubé hotel for the tourist's stay. Top

Traveler's Guide

Are you from abroad down to Togo? Are you resident in Togo and leaving for abroad? This guide is for you, it gives a brief description of the requirements you have to meet. Traveler's Customs control Top
1. Generality
In crossing the border, both at the entrance and exit of the country (article 80 CD) and in moving across the country around the check points (article 50 CD) you can be controlled by the customs officers recognizable by their uniform; some customs officers in charge of controlling the travellers do not wear uniform. In any case, customs officers must show at first requisitioning their professional card called Commission d'emploi (employment commission) (article 38 CD) Top
2. Objectives
The customs control of travellers aims at ensuring:
  • The protection of the national economy
  • The preservation of the national economy
  • The preservation of the national heritage
  • The regularity of the transactions
  • The safety and health of the traveller
  • The protection of the fauna and the flora
Customs check is therefore necessary, yet it must take place in a mood of mutual respect and understanding.

Therefore, any related misunderstanding has but to be solved amicably.

In this situation, the traveller has an important role to play by facilitating the opening of the luggage and the car boot. Top
3. Authorities of customs officers
Customs officers in charge of the control of the travellers can check the luggage in cars.

Individuals (article 42 CD) (article 32 CD WAMEU). They can also check the identity of the traveller (article 50 CD; article 37 CD WAMEU) by asking their id papers (Passport or id card) Top
4. Nature of Control
The customs control is not systematic; it is done unexpectedly and by survey. At any control, the customs officer asks the usual question: "do you have anything to declare?"

You answer constitute a verbal declaration (article 77/1 CD WAMEU), a real customs declaration that involves your responsibility. Top