Key Ministries of Economy

1. The ministry of Economy, Finance and Privatizations
The Ministry of Economy, Finance and Privatizations is in charge of the general orientation of the Government economic and financial policy as the management of the assets of the state.

It comprises 9 central Directorates:
  • General Management of taxes
  • General Management of customs
  • General Management of Treasury and Public Finance
  • Public Debt Management
  • Personnel and Material Management Economy Management
  • Budget Management
  • Finance Management
  • Financial Control Management
This ministry regroups the big state financial controls of TOGO. It looks after the respect of laws and the regulation governing public finance and private investment. Top
2. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Arts and Craft
Composed of five (05) central directorates, this ministry is in charge of the promotion of commercial, industrial and artisanal activities, for this reason it delivers the setting-up permit card to economical operators. Top
3. Delegate Ministry
Delegate Ministry close to the Prime Minister responsible for the Private Sector and the Development of the Industrial Free Zone.

This delegate Ministry related to the Prime Minister is charge of the Private Sector is responsible for coordinating the government policy with regards to the promotion and the development of the Private Sector and rendering the dialogue effective between the public sector and the. public authorities on the one hand and among the private sector operators themselves on the other hand.

It is composed of 3 main Directorates:
  • Common Affairs Management
  • Private Sector Promotion Management
  • Coordination and Follow-up Management
This ministry allowed the creation of cell of dialogue between the government and the private sector, the organization of some days of exchanges between the private sector (modem sector and informal sector) and financing institutions, insurances and guaranties. It organized an encounter between the MEDEF and the Togolese body of employers, forums about Togo in Berlin (Germany) in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Lastly this Ministry participated in diverse international seminars and conferences in Ghana. Ethiopia, Côte d'lvoire, Spain and Austria. Top

Institutional support to enterprises

1. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of TOCO (CCIT)
The chamber of Commerce and Industry of TOGO (CCIT) is a public Establishment directed by an executive office elected by an executive office elected by the enirety of industrial commercial operators and services beneficiaries. It plays a double role at both national and international levels.
  • At national level
It plays a consultative role and remains the main intermediate between the Public Authorities and the Private Sector. It also plays an advisory role and cares for training and informing its nationals.

More, that it is an organization of welcome, information, assistance to economic operators, traders and services beneficiaries Finally it is a public establishment which creates and manages or participates in the management of collective equipment (Bonded warehouse, bus stations, airports...).
  • At international level
It brings its contribution to the improvement of business connections between Togo and ECOWAS countries on the one hand and the rest of the world on the other hand owing to its cooperation with international institutions of chambers of commerce such as the West Africa Federation of Chambers of Commerce, the French and African Consular Companies Permanent Conference, the International Chamber of Commerce and also thanks to its association with some foreign chambers of commerce. Top
2. National Council of the Body of Employers
The National Council of the Body of Employers regrouping all the Managers of private and public companies of the country. This frame work enables the representatives of company Managers and the government to exchange on a permanent manner view about reform policies and dealings improvement in the domain of taxes, customs and the development of the private sector. Top
3. The Chamber of profession
The interest of the Togolese Central Government in small and medium-sized firms led to the start of the Chamber of Trades and craftsmanship. This structure enables the organization of craftsmen and their sensitising about their rights and duties. Top

The financial and Bank Sector

The financial and bank sector of Togo is composed of commercial banks, insurance companies, financial establishments, international financial institutions and micro-finance.

This level of banking and the support brought about by all the financial institutions enables the enterprises to fund all the cycles of growth.

1. The Commercial Banks
Togo has 9 commercial banks which carry out the whole bank operations throughout the national territory.
They are:
  • The Togolese Bank Union (UTB)
  • The Togolese Development Bank (TDB)
  • The Togolese Commercial and Industrial Bank (TCIB)
  • The Inter-African Bank Society (1ABS)
  • The Financial Bank
  • The Atlantic Financial Bank
  • The Sahelo-Saharan Bank of Investment and Commerce (SBIC)
  • The International Bank for Togo (IBD)
  • The Regional Bank of Solidarity (RBS)
All these Commercial banks have a wide net-work of correspondents in all the world. This enables them to carry through without any difficulty all the international transactions. Top
2. The Insurance Companies
There exist 9 insurance companies in Togo. They are involved in the domains of IARDT insurances as well as life insurances.
They are notably:
  • Togolese Group of IARDT-lnsurances (TG C2A lARDT-l)
  • Togolese Group of Life -Insurances(TG C2A IL)
  • TOGO-Life Union of Insurances (TLUF) and(TUl-IARDT)
  • FlDELIA Insurances
Most of these companies are large groups’ affiliates or detained mostly by large foreign groups. Top
3. The Financial Establishments
There are 4 financial establishments in Togo.
These are:
It enters into the domain of financing research for enterprises by issuing debenture loan and public offer of shares at the regional financial market of WAEMU, brokerage transferable security, preservation of securities and portfolio management.

It carried through several debenture loan operations at the regional financial market of WAEMU on behalf of enterprises of the private sector and the States.

The SGI-TOGO has redeemed at present about FCFAMU billions at the regional financial market WAEMU. It is a shareholder in the transferable Security Regional Stock Market whose head office is in Abidjan.
The GARI FUND is a private investments guarantee fund in West Africa. It guarantees bank credits and security during debenture loan operations for economic agents in West African countries.
  • CAURIS Investment
It is a risk capital and investment capital company. It has a principal activity the acquisition of interest in the capital of enterprises in the subregion.
  • Savings Bank of TOGO (SBT)
4. International financial institutions
Thanks to the stability Togo enjoys and the hospitable conditions provided by the country, several international financial institutions have their head offices in Togo.
They are:
  • West African Bank of Development (WABD)
  • ECOWAS Bank of Investment and Development (EBID)
  • Member States Insurance Control International Conference Common Company of Reinsurance (ICIC-RI)
  • French Development Agency (UFl)
  • Ecobank Transnational Incorporated ( ETl)
  • Fund for Industrializing Developing Countries (UFl)
5. Micro-finance Institutions
Micro-financial institutions sustain small scale savers in the fulfilment of their projects by providing moderate cost credit. Top

The financial and Bank Sector

1. Tax regulations
The Togolese Tax system is a declarative system obliging enterprises to declare, under their responsibility the result of their exploitation. In accordance with the legal status, the enterprise can be submitted to:
  • The Corporations Tax (CT) at the rate of 37% for industries and 40% for others
  • The Income Tax of individual entities (ITIE) according to a progressive tariff
  • Fixed minimum Tax (FMT) after the first twelve months of activities when the countable result of the enterprise is loss making
  • Value added Tax on the delivery of corporeal movables and the provision of services subject to payment by liable person (VAT)
  • Local Tax on business and self-employed workers
  • Property Tax (PT) on developed land and undeveloped land
  • Access cost on petroleum products from which FCFA35 per litre of product is transferred bank to Road Maintenance Fund (RMF)
  • Income tax of Road Haulage Contractor (ITRHC)
  • Residential Tax (RT)
2. Customs Regulations
Every merchandise imported must be summoned at a customs regulation.
There exist four:
  • Regulation C = Imported goods are put into consumption with a detailed declaration deposit.
  • Regulation E= National goods exportation.
  • Regulation R = Re-exportation of goods:
    • either directly = direct transit
    • or after being put in warehouse, after temporary or exceptional admission, or after becoming nationalized goods.
  • Regulation S = Suspensive regulation: customs duties and taxes are suspended during the importation of goods. This regulation comprises:
    • Transit (Natural and International)
    • Temporary Admission (TA)
    • Exceptional Admission (EA)
    • Ware houses (Industrial and fictions)


Transports in Togo represent a major element in the economy. For this reason, the authorities put a particular emphasis on the development of that sector.

1. Maritime
The Autonomous Port of lome, APL, is a modern Harbor, serving its hinterland counties, a center of vast distribution network, the harbor of Lome offers a wide range of unique and competitive harbor services. By its exceptional regional geographical situation P Oceane du Sahel Harbor.

It is the only deep-water harbor of the subregion possessing an entirety of infrastructures and equipment machining with a traffic more and more diversified. Initially conceived for an annual machines, the harbor attracts about 3,000,000 tons nowadays.

Due to its geographical situation, its human resources and economic potential, Togo occupies today a strategic place for the development of Africa.

The Autonomous Harbor of Lome has essentially an international commitment as it serves aside from Togo, the Sahel countries especially, Burkina-Faso, Niger and Mali. Those countries enjoy facilities for setting up in the industrial free zone of the harbor. They can set up ware-houses or processing factories.

The existence of the Autonomous Harbor of Lome paved the way to a considerable maritime transport development. It is from the Harbor of Lome that some countries of West Africa receive their goods originating from Europe and the United States. Some maritime transport companies like ECOMARINE INTERNATIONAL and SDV are set up in Togo. Top
2. Land
Togo has a good quality road network which connects all the big tows and regions of the country. More than that it should be noted that many big workings of rehabilitation and construction are about to be completed. The achievement of those projects will re-enforce more the road infrastructures favourable to the development of commerce, industry and exchanges. Top
3. Aerial
The International airport GNASSlNGBE Eyadema is a center of air traffic in the subregion of West Africa Economic and Monetary union (WAEMU) because of its proximity to all the other countries of West Africa.

Several airlines are set up in Togo and serve Africa, Europe, Asia and the United States of America Top

Undertaken reforms

The reforms under taken by the current authorities are multiple but the most important are the following: Political judiciary and institutional.

1. Political reforms
National reconciliation is one of the major preoccupations of Togolese authorities. For the Union and cohesion of Togolese coasts are the foundation on which the rise of the nation and the economic development can be built.
Several actions have been taken in that sense:
  • Intertogolese Political Dialogue
In the framework of the implementation of the 22 engagements subscribed at Brussels on April 14, 2004, the Togolese authorities haveinitiated a political dialogue which has reached on August 20, 2006 a global political agreement signed by all the delegations that took part in the discussion in the presence of the designated mediator Blaise CAMPAORE. The global political agreement is the result of intertogolese national dialogue. By this agreement all the population of Togo is involved in a national reconciliation process. At the end of the text signed by the parties taking part in die dialogue a new government of national unity will be formed having as mission the organization anticipated legislative elections.
  • Reflection Commission for the rehabilitation of the history of Togo
Before laying down durable reconciliation foundation, a reflection commission on the history of Togo has been created on October 18, 2005. A committee made of well-known personalities has been put in place and it has already made some proposals in the sense of social appeasement. A report has already been delivered to the Togolese authorities. This measure aims at indexing and rehabilitating the memory of all authors who have marked the while history of Togo in order to pave the way to a work of remembrance.
  • Special Independent Investigation
National Commission on the acts of violence and vandalism committed before and after the presidential elections on April 24, 2005. Its goal is to shed light on the violence which studded the electoral period and to establish the responsibility of everyone.
  • Setting Repatriates and Human Tarianism High Commissionership
This high commissionership has been put into place on June 8,2005. Its objective is to create the conditions for the coming back and reinsertion of the refugees and the persons displaced after the presidential election on April 24, 2005. Top
2. Judiciary Reforms

The judiciary reforms being a capital element in the development of a country, the President of the republic decided to give new breath to the Togolese justice in order to enable all the citizens to feel secure in their daily activities.

The authorities are now executing a vast program of reform and and modernization of the judiciary power. This program comprises notably the modernization of the penitentiary sector aiming at improving prison conditions, the adoption of the magistrature and the judiciary personnel status. The selling of an independent an competent justice is the objective to reach.
  • The court of Appeal Administration Chamber of Lomé
This chamber has been created to try cases that took place during the administration exercise. Thus, if during the function of the public administration, a justiciable, a functionary or wage earner has been victimized by the action of the government, he can resort to justice to claim his rights.
  • The superior Council of the Magistrature
The setting of this council envisaged by the constitution aims at renewing and assuring the magistrature independence in order to consolidate a state of human rights.
  • Prisons and detention centres rehabilitation
The objective is to ameliorate life conditions in the prisons and improve the protection of human rights. Top
3. The Institutional Reforms
The institutional reforms undertaken aim at putting into place some organs to regulate the political and economic life of the country. Thus it has been put into place the following.
  • Audiovisual and Communication High Authority (ACHA)
The ACHA is anan important organ in the edification of a state of human rights and democracy. It regulates the function of the media.

The reforms undertaken by the ACHA are the answer to the need to consolidate democracy in Togo. Top

Some enterprises in Togo

1. The companies of the states
TOGO TELECOM is in charge of the equipment and exploitation of the telecommunications public services. The company has as objective the accessibility to fixed telephony and its applications to all the social classes of the country. For this reason it exploits different networks:
  • Commutated telephonic network
  • Rural telephonic network
  • Telex network
  • Data packages transmission network (TOGOPAC)
  • Internet network (TOGONET)
TOGO TELECOM offers its customers products like ordinary telephone, telex specialized connection, INMARSAT, public phones, prepaid cards, communal telephony. It is a supplier giving access to internet.

The manpower of the company is composed of 902 agents among whom are 10% of senior executives.
TOGO CELLULAIRE company has as activity the equipment and exploitation of mobile telephony service in Togo. Every year the company makes new investments in the extension of the network and the setting of new services in order to take into account the customer’s needs becoming more and more important.

TOGO CELLULAIRE has as objective the accessibility of all the classes of the country to mobile telephony. It covers over 40 % of the surface of Togo and over 85 % of the population. So in 2006, the company believes it is detaining 70 % in other words 500.000 subscribers of market shares versus 30 % for its competition.

The ACLT has as objective the management and promotion of airport infrastructures of Togo. Its strong points are the following:
  • A runway of 3000 m designed for Boeing 747
  • Several airlines provide about 50 regular flights every week
  • A capacity to handle freight setting up 11,000 T/year
  • Landing equipment devised for all times
  • A capacity of coping with 700.000 passengers / year with the possibility of handling simultaneously 3 big carriers
  • One air conditioned registration hall equipped with 20 computerized bank registrations with weighing carpets and injectors.
2. Private companies

Several private companies exercise their activities in Togo in different sectors under normal regulation and the regulation of the free industrial zone.
  • Some companies under normal regulation
    • Benin Brewery: specialized in the production and distribution of sparkling drinks
    • Telecel: atlantic group mobile telephony company
    • Total: specialized in the marketing of petroleum products
    • Shell: specialized in the marketing of petroleum products
    • RAMCO: specialized in general commerce notably the exploitation of supermarkets
  • Some companies under the free zone regulation
    • Méches NINA: company specialized in the manufacture and sale of hair locks
    • Shining LTD: company specialized in the manufacture and sale of metallic brushes
3. International organizations
Several international organizations are Togo based. We can name some few:
  • United nations Program for Development (UNPD)
  • United nations Fund for Food (UNFF)
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNCEF)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • World Bank
  • African an Mauritian School of Architecture and Town Planning
  • Benin Electric Community (BEC)
  • European Union (EU)
  • World Health Organization(WHO)

Some Useful Contacts

1. International Relations
  • Ministry of State in Charge of Foreign Affairs and African Integration
    • PO BOX: 900 Lomé - TOGO
    • Tel.: (00228) 221 29 11 / 221 29 12 /221 29 13
  • Delegated Ministry close to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and African Integration in Charge of Corporation
    • Tel.: (00228) 220 67 25 / 220 67 26
2. Hospitals
  • University teaching Hospital Tokoin (UTH Tokoin)
    • Tel.: (00228) 221 25 01 / 221 50 72 / 221 08 48
  • University Teaching Hospital Campus (UTH Campus)
    • Tel.: (00228) 225 77 68 / 225 78 08 / 225 47 39
3. Miscellanious
  • Restaurants:
    • Le MALESAN (Downtown) : Tel. (00 288) 221 80 74
    • RAMATOU (Seashore) : Tel. (00 228) 227 43 53
    • VIVI ROYALE (Down town) : Tel. (00 228) 222 20 27 / 947 60 53
  • Night clubs:
    • Le Z. NIGHT CLUB
    • Le BYBLOS
  • Hotels: